Click on the program link and you will get the solution with output of that program. Share with your friends so that they can also take help of this material in their submission process and also in learning this subject.

1, 2. Basic and advanced Unix commands

3. Write a shell script to generate marksheet of a student. Take 3 subjects, calculate and display total marks, percentage and Class obtained by the student.

4. Write a shell script to find factorial of given number n.

5. Write a shell script which will accept a number and display first n prime numbers as output.

6. Write a shell script which will generates first n fibonacci numbers like: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 13,…

7. Write a menu driven shell script which will print the following menu and execute the given task.
1) Display calendar of current month
2) Display today’s date and time
3) Display usernames those are currently logged in the system
4) Display your name at given x, y position
5) Display your terminal number
6) Exit

8. Write a shell script to read n numbers as command arguments and sort them in descending order.

9. Write a shell script to display all executable files, directories and zero sized files from current directory

10. Write a shell script to check entered string is palindrome or not.

11. Shell programming using filters (including grep, egrep, fgrep).

12. Study of Unix Shell and Environment Variables.

13. Write a shell script to validate the entered date. (eg. Date format is : dd-mm-yyyy).

14. Write an awk program using function, which convert each word in a given text into capital.

15. Write a program for process creation using C (Use of gcc compiler).

16. Write a shell script to display multiplication table of given a number.



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