Computer Organization and Architecture

Click on the program link and you will get the solution with output of that program. Share with your friends so that they can take help of this material in their submission process and also in learning this subject.

1. Write the working of 8085 Simulator GNUsim8085 and basic architecture of 8085 along with small introduction.

2. Study the complete instruction set of 8085 and write the instructions in the instruction set of 8085 along with examples.

3. Write an assembly language code in GNUsim8085 to implement data transfer instruction.

4. Write an assembly language code in GNUsim8085 to implement arithmetic instruction.

5. Write an assembly language code in GNUsim8085 to implement logical instructions.

6. Write an assembly language code in GNUsim8085 to implement stack and branch instructions.

7. Write an assembly language code in GNUsim8085 to store numbers in reverse order in memory location.

8. Write an assembly language code in GNUsim8085 to add two 8 bit numbers stored in memory and also storing the carry.

9. Write an assembly language code in GNUsim8085 to add two numbers using lxi instruction.

10. Write an assembly language code in GNUsim8085 to find the factorial of a number.

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no one link is opening.
very bad to tell.


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