What is flow chart?
➡ A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents a workflow
or process. Also It can be defined as a diagrammatic representation
of any process.
Advantages of C language
➡ Speed of compilation is comparatively high
➡ Powerful and efficient language
Problems with C programming
➡ It is a structured Programming Language
➡ C is middle level language
➡ Does not offers the concept of Object oriented programming
➡ We have to write too long code for simple programs
➡ It is complex to understand.
➡ It is also complex to code.
Introduction to Java
It is a programming language created by James Gosling from Sun
Microsystems(SUN). It is object oriented programming language.
Creator of java :- James Gosling
Where Java can be used?
➡ Mobile applications ( mainly android apps)
➡ Desktop applications
➡ Web servers and application servers
➡ Web applications and much more....
Advantages of using Java
➡ Works with different platform
➡ It is Platform independent
➡ one of the popular language in the world
➡ It is based on the concept of object oriented programming
Classes and Objects
A class may be thought of as a 'data type' and an object as a
'variable' of that data type. Once a class has been defined, we can
create any number of objects belonging to that class.
Class is collection of objects of similar type. They are user
defined datatypes and behave like the built-in types of the programming
Objects are the basic runtime entities in an object-oriented system.
Let's understand with real-world example of car and fruit.
As Mango, apple, Orange etc. are different types of fruit. we can say it as
like mango, apple, Orange etc. belongs to class of fruit.
same with Cars i.e. Mercedes, i10, Ferrari, etc. are members of class
Declaration of variable in C-
int a;
car Ferrari;
fruit mango;
car ➡ general
Ferrari ➡ specific
➡ classes are considered as data-types and object is
considered as variables.
What does it mean by platform independency of a programming language?
➡ Platform independency means the program is not dependent on a particular
system. It can run on variety of platforms.
how java is platform independent?
Java compiler produces a unique type of code called
bytecode unlike c compiler where compiler produces only natively
executable code for a particular machine.
When the Java program runs in a particular machine it is sent to java
compiler, which converts that code into intermediate code called
Bytecode. This bytecode is sent to
Java Virtual Machine which resides in the RAM of any OS. JVM converts
the bytecode into native machine code.
Here bytecode will be same for every system but the JVM will be different
according to the system.