GTU OS Program - 11 Filters

11. Shell programming using filters (including grep, egrep, fgrep).

The programs that take plain text as standard input and transforms it into a meaningful format, and then returns it as a standard output is known as Filters.

Some of the most commonly used filters are explained below:

  1. cat
  2. head
  3. tail
  4. sort
  5. uniq
  6. wc
  7. grep
  8. tac
  9. sed
  10. nl

1. cat: Displays the text of the file line by line.

cat [path]
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2. head: Displays the first n lines of the specified text files. If the number of lines is not specified then by default prints first 10 lines.

 head [-number_of_lines_to_print] [path]
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3. tail: It works the same way as head, but in reverse order. It returns the lines from bottom to up

tail [-number_of_lines_to_print] [path] 
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4. sort: sorts the lines alphabetically by default but we can customize the way of sorting.

sort [-options] [path]
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5. uniq: removes duplicate lines. it has a limitations that it can only remove continuous duplicate lines.

uniq [options] [path]

6. wc: It gives the number of lines, words and characters in the data.

 wc [-options] [path]
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wc gives 4 outputs as

  • number of lines
  • Number of words
  • Number of characters
  • path

7. grep: grep is used to search a particular information from a text file.

grep [options] pattern [path]
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8. tac: It is just reverse of cat command. It prints from bottom to top.

tac [path]
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9. Sed: It stands for stream editor. It allows us to apply search and replace operation on our data effectively.

sed [path]

The expression we have used below is of the form 's/search/replace/g'

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In the above output we replaced cat with the text "this is replaced text"

10. nl: It is used to number the lines of our text data.

nl [-options] [path] 
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gtu os lab manual,

os GTU Practical,

operating system Programs,

Operating system shellscript programs,

Gtu study material 3140705,

OS 3140702,

os practical list,

shell script programming,

Shell programming using filters (including grep, egrep, fgrep)



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