GTU OS Program - 3

3. Write a shell script to generate marksheet of a student. Take 3 subjects, calculate and display total marks, percentage and Class obtained by the student.

Make a file called using vim. If you want a full guide to vim than you can check this post.

tkanu025@hp:~/lab_solutions$ vim 

When you will hit enter than it will open a window like the one below. This is an editor and Here you can write your code. Press i to enter into the insert mode

Gujarat Technological university OS programs cse gtu

Write full code there like this

echo "Enter marks(out of 30) of "
read -p "Subject 1: " s1
read -p "Subject 2: " s2
read -p "Subject 3: " s3
sum=`expr $s1 + $s2 + $s3`
echo "Sum of marks of 3 subjects is : "$sum
per=`expr $sum \* 10 / 9`
echo "Percentage: "$per
if [ $per -ge 60 ]
        echo "you got Distinction"
elif [ $per -ge 50 ]
        echo "you got First class"
elif [ $per -ge 40 ]
        echo "You got second class"
        echo "sorry you failed! better luck next time"

Then press ESC and then Enter :wq which will bring you out of the vim editor writing that code into your file.

cse gtu

Now compile and run the created file.

tkanu025@hp:~/lab_solutions$ chmod +x
tkanu025@hp:~/lab_solutions$ ./ 

Here is the Output of this program

Gujarat technological university

gtu os lab manual,

os GTU Practical,

operating system Programs,

Operating system shellscript programs,

Gtu study material 3140705,

OS 3140702,

os practical list,

shell script programming,

gtu os practical,

os lab solution gtu



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