Basic Unix commands

If you are a windows user and haven't installed Ubuntu in your windows machine make sure you check out the guide on how to install ubuntu CLI in your system without virtual machine.

Practice the basic commands of Linux/Unix.

1. Cal command

Syntax: cal [options] [month] [year]

Description: Cal displays a simple calendar.


2. Clear command

Description: It clears the terminal screen.

  • It clears your screen if this is possible, including its scroll back buffer.
  • Clear ignores any command-line parameters that may be present.

Syntax: clear


Unix clear

3. pwd: Displays the path of the present working directory.

Syntax: pwd [options]


Unix pwd

4. cd command


  • It is used to change the directory.
  • Used to navigate through different directories using Command line interface.
  • .. is used with cd to go back to the previous directory.

Syntax: cd [directory name]

cd ~ is used to go to the home directory.


unix pwd

5. Exit command

It is used to terminate a program or shell.

syntax : exit

It will close your terminal and no output will be thereπŸ˜….

Next Page


Akshit said…
No need to add pictures now ,the github shell works perfectly.
Kanu Thakor said…
thanks for your feedback. If most of the people are agree with this than I will change it in that way.
Akshit said…
Btw how did you integrate this with github?
Kanu Thakor said…
It is through GitHub Gist. I can make a step by step guide for that.
let me know If you want.
Vishwesh Patel said…
You may continue with this format
Anonymous said…
It is looking good with output so no need to remove images. I liked it.
Anonymous said…
It is amazing loved it. Keep going and keep writing such notes. It looks so amazing and so cool to read.
Kanu Thakor said…
thanks for your valuable words and Keep enjoying
Atul kharat said…
It's very helpful and created such a way to revise all commands quickly thank for that
Unknown said…
Nice work Keep it up bro


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