Basic Unix commands-2

 6. ls command

Syntax ls [options]


-a    shows all file including hidden files
-d    If an argument is a directory it only lists its name not its contents
-p    displays a slash(/) in front of all directories
-r    reverses the order of how the files are displayed


7. Echo command

It prints the given input string to standard output.(It is same as printf("") in c programming language).

syntax: eco 'string'


8. mkdir command

This command is used to create a new repository

Syntax: mkdir [options] [directory name]

All options can be used as per requirements
directory name is the mane of the folder which you want to create
-m    set permission mode (as in chmode)
-p    No error if existing, make parent directories as needed.
-v    Print a message for each created directory

9. rmdir command

It is used to delete a directory and its subdirectories.
it only removes empty directory.
Syntax: rmdir [options] [directory name]

10. rm command

It is used to remove the file from the directory.
Note: the rmdir is to delete folder where as rm is to delete files

Syntax: rm [options] [file name]


  • Deleted file can't be recovered.
  • rm can't delete the directory.
  • All files can be deleted at once just by using * (asterisk). i.e., rm *
-f    ignore non-existent files, and never prompt before removing.
-i    Asks for confirmation before every removal

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