GTU OOP Program - 3

3. Write a program that reads a number in meters, converts it into feet, and displays the result.

Note: 1 foot is 0.3048 meter approximately.

class Practical_03 {
    public static void main(String args[]) {

        // create a constant value
        final double METER_per_FOOT = 0.3048;

        // setting the value of length in feet
        double len_feet = 50;

        // converting feet into meter
        double len_meter = len_feet * METER_per_FOOT;

        // printing the values
        System.out.println("value of " + len_feet + " feets in meter is : " + len_meter + " m");
cse gtu, gtu study material for computer engineering students gujarat technological university oop lab manual solution



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