Mini project ideas for Operating System

7 ideas to prepare your Mini Project for Operating System (3140702) as a beginner using shell script.

Application of Shell scripts

First of all you should know some of the main applications of shell scripts, and what you can do using shell scripts. So with shell script you can do things like -

  • Automating the code compiling process
  • Monitoring a System
  • Completing batch
  • Executing routine Backups
  • Running a program or creating a program environment
  • Manipulating files
  • Linking existing programs together

Mini Project Ideas for Operating System

1. Unit Converter

mini project ideas for operating system using shell script

It will be a menu driven program that will convert a given input into required unit, based on our choices. For example Conversion of -
temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit,
Height from feet to inches
Area from square meter to square centimeter
etc. you can add different units as per your interest.

2. Binary To Decimal and Decimal to Binary Converter

In this user will choose whether to convert from binary to decimal or from decimal to binary and then input will be provided and output will be displayed accordingly.

3. Password Generator

mini project ideas for operating system using shell script

You can also create a Password generator which will generate different passwords based on the input keywords. This kind of program can be used in Hacking (Specially Brute force attack). If you are interested in hacking than you should defintely try making this program 😉.

4. Finance Manager

mini project ideas for operating system using shell script gtu

The user will enter amount of per month income and according to that program will calculate total income, tax on that income, how much he will get back if he puts that money in bank or FD or in mutual funds.

5. Change Return Program

mini project ideas for operating system using shell script

The user will enter a cost and then the amount of money given. This program will figure out the change and the number of notes of 2000, 500, 100, 50, 20, 10 to be returned.

6. Simple Banking System

This will contain functionality like opening the bank account, widthrowing money, dipositing money, account closing, getting account details, etc.

7. ATM Program

mini project ideas for operating system using shell script

As per the users input the if the money available in the machine is greater than the value entered than that program will calculate the number of note to be given to the user and than It will be delivered to the user, Otherwise It will print an error message that service is temporarily unavailable. You can also set some dummy users so that they will be prompted to enter ATM pin.

This is what I was having in my mind. If you have any other Idea or suggestions than you can share in the comment section below. Also don't forget to share this post if it is found helpful to you.

mini project ideas,

os mini project suggestions,

Mini project programs,

shell script mini project ideas,

os mini projects using shell script,

operating system projects,

operating system projects for students,

os projects for students,

mini project ideas,

password generator



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