Atomic elements of Java
Almost every Codes of any programming languages are collection of whitespace, identifiers, literals, comments, operators, separators and keywords.
Java is a free-form language. It means there is no need to follow any
special indentation rules as like in python.
You can write your entire program in a single line but, a developer that's not
a good practice.
In java whitespace is a space, tab, or newline.
An identifier is a name name assigned to an element in a program.
Rules for defining Java Identifiers
- It contains of alphanumeric characters including '$' (dollar sign) and '_' (underscore).
- It should not start with digits.
- Java identifiers are case-sensitive.
- Keywords can't be used as identifiers.
valid Identifiers
Myvariable, i, j, count, i10, $test, this_is_good
Invalid identifiers
My variables //contains space 4thsem //first character is a digit a&b // & character is not allowed
Literals are the constant values assigned to the variable. A literal can be a
number, character, or a string.
x = 20;
here x is variable and 20 is literal.Comments
Comments are developer-readable explanation in the source code of a any
program. They are never executed and always ignored at the time of compilation
or interpretation.
//this is single line comment
/* this is a multiline comment */
/** This is a documentation comment */
Few characters are used as separators. The most commonly used separator in java is semicolon. It terminates the statements.
java is not purely object oriented programming language because it supports primitive data types like byte, int, long, float, double etc., which are not objects.